Support your local forests.
Come experience the farm and get connected to the forests around Panther Creek & Falls Lake.
The “Big Dig”!
Come out to the farm with your friends and family to enjoy the next Big Dig workday. These tree experiences on the farm are designed to grow trees for donation. Currently we are distributing trees twice a year through the Durham Public School’s Hub Farm (at their spring and fall plant giveaway events). You can also find us partnering closely with Keep Durham Beautiful and the Durham County Library system.
Here is how it works…
Our twenty-eight acres of woodlands are surrounded by hundreds of public land. Every fall, our family explores our woods and nearby forests in Durham to collect acorns, hickory nuts, black walnuts, and other tree nuts. We then propagate these nuts on our farm in raised garden beds and planter boxes. These nuts quickly germinate and grow into healthy saplings in just a few short months. After their first year on the farm, these trees are ready to be dug up and planted into pots.
These potting-up events are known as the “Big Dig”. For the last 3 years we have hosted “Big Dig” events at Panther Creek Forest Farm. These events are open to volunteers and all of the trees we pot are donated. The first ever Big Dig led to 450 donated oak trees and the second event led to 963 donated oak trees! Each year we increase these numbers. So come join us for the next Big Dig event and get your hands dirty, meet new friends, and help us donate as many native trees as possible!